Why Gluten Free?

Gluten is commonly found in grains like wheat, and rye and can be challenging for some dogs and cats to digest. While gluten itself is not harmful or toxic at all for dogs and cats, it might be hard to digest with a sensitive stomach. So we instead use fiber-rich grains like oats that aid in digestion and are suitable for pets that do have gluten allergies.

Wheat prolamins have also been reported to induce gluten enteropathy in dogs. Gluten enteropathy in dogs is similar in many respects to celiac disease in humans. (In simpler words gluten allergy).

Even importantly, grains we use have a lower glycemic index which means it does a slow and steadier release of energy causing lesser blood sugar spikes, and healthier in the long term to keep inflammation levels low in our pets.

This does not mean that you may not feed your pets any wheat or gluten if is digestible to them. It only means to be most inclusive and be able to create treats that work well with pets of all ages and varied health histories we choose grains that are known to work best.

Want to read interesting research on various grains in dog food? Check out: https://journal.fi/afs/article/view/5773/4971

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